There are many magnificent locales to play golf around the world, each one more inviting that the last. For someone who enjoys these experiences, a visit to China which includes golf will be an eye opening journey. Not every facility is like Mission Hills as Larry describes below, but it will certainly add to your knowledge of how golf has developed around the world.
The World’s Largest Golf Resort
Larry OlmstedTheAPosition

If you read my blogs, you will soon discover that I am pretty obsessed with world records. A few years back, for a story for Golf Magazine, I broke the Guinness World Record for “The Greatest Distance Traveled Between Two Rounds of Golf Played in The Same Day,” an impressive 7,496 miles. Last year I wrote a very interesting book about the history and culture and …
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About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+